Okay, I'm so off track with what has been going on here overseas in Francia. [yeah i made that up, its probably not real]. Our internet connections have not been so fantastic. But good enough that I could Skype with my family on Sunday night to be a little part of my sister's reveal party. - it's a boy. Totally called it through this whole pregnancy so far.
Anyways, my posts will probably be very out of order for a little while, just because I'm trying to get everything up and I just don't really have the patience right now.
Yesterday we made our way on our basque bus to the middle of nowhere to stay at the most beautiful bed and breakfast in the world probably. I think the Lee's had stayed there sometime before and knew of it. And thank goodness. It was definitely made the top of my list for places we've gone on this trip.
We shared a four person room - more like cute apartment, on the first floor right next to the pool. First pool I've seen up close here in France. ..and yeah it was freezing cold.
We settled in for a bit, took a nice little walk around the property, then headed out to Rocamadour. Google that, my pictures won't even do it justice. It was remarkable. We did some walk, of course I don't remember what exactly it was, but it had something to do with the number 12, Christ, and people doing the walk on their knees. It was a bunch of switchbacks, and each corner had a different saint, and then we reached Rocamadour - its all built on the side of a cliff. Incredible.
We got lucky and were able to eat as a group out there, at a restaurant overlooking the whole cliffside. It was so stunning once the sun started to set and the city lights came on.
Dinner's emphasis was duck [the french seem to love duck]. First, a salad with some duck giblets? Then duck cutlets for the main course, complete with french fries on the side, goats milk cheese [smelled foul and tasted just as gross.] and carmel/vanilla-ish ice cream for dinner. And somewhere in there we had some pate to try, which, from the very first time my french teacher told me about this stuff I've thought sounded nasty although she reassured me it was delicious, .. complete lie. it was not appetizing at all.

This morning we got to sleep in later than usual. We went to breakfast then boarded our loved bus to the Gouffre de Padirac, caves that we rode through on boats. It was amazing, they were way deep into the ground, we climbed so many stairs.
Our boat driver - Fred, liked to tip our boat a lot. He asked us if we wanted to swim in the water then pushed his oar against the side to give us the scariest tip of my life. And he continued to do it the whole ride. And it was kind of like disneyland because they took a picture of us on our boat passing by and had it later for purchasing. We planned the whole picture, and were so ready, posing, until we came right up to the camera and Fred tipped the boat again. I freaked out. And am screaming in our picture holding on for dear life. I cried laughing at it. Then walked up a million more flights of stairs.
Now were in Figeac, where we went to the Musee Champollion [the guy who deciphered the rosetta stone] and it was super boring. Pretty interested in the beginning, but not for too long. We had audio sets that described all the parts of the museum. I got to 18 then quite because I wasn't really listening anyways. But it was fun to look at all the hieroglyphics and a couple mummy caskets.
We headed to our hotel, which is maybe a hostel I'm not sure, but its huge and I love it. Dinner was delicious, we went as a group again to "la puce a l'oreille."
First they brought us out a little taster, it was a small cube of some more duck - pate, which again, is really not good, and some carrot &honey mousse. It was kind of crazy for me, I didn't like either of them. And I'm the most unpicky eater there is. So I was scared about dinner.. but it was probs the best dinner we've eaten so far. We got a puff pastry type thing next, with goat cheese [good this time], tomatoes, and an olive paste. It was sooo good I loved it. Then a white fish for our main course, with some vegetable paste over top, with a baby quiche on the side and the greaaatest vegetables.
After dinner we were walking back to the hotel as a group, but somehow the group I was with got way behind the rest of the group and we got very lost. Which, thats not really a big deal when you're in France, I would love to get lost every single day.
But two girls went and laid in the middle of the street for a split second and some guys yelled something in french at us/them so we decided to keep walking. . aaand they decided to follow us. It was pretty creepy, but just another experience :)
I love France, and sometimes I forget that I'm here.I miss my family, and I wish I could've been a part of all the chaos I'm sure went on planning meghan's party.
I miss my friends, just when I was having a good time I had to leave.
But I've never been opposed to making new friends. Which I've done a lot in college.
Once again, I'm so blessed to have this opportunity to be studying abroad, in Paris, France. Its unbelievable to me still every time I repeat it in my head. . or outloud. I'm so grateful for this trip, that I can have this new experience in my life and be able to learn and laugh and grow. This entire year has been a huge one for me, although i have always been very responsible, I've gained a lot more responsibilities and learned a ton about myself, my life and the things around me.
Well sorry for the whole journal entry, and the lack of pictures on here for now. Internet is not working at all.
Au revoir!
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