this weekend was successful. Even though plans fell through, and in reality I could have gone to Ireland, Milan, Belgium, or anywhere else in the world for FIVE whole entire days, I had fun in paris.
This'll be quick. that's what she said.
Seriously have to sleep though.

{it all started with crepes.}
banana and sugar.
Oh my gosh, try this first thing when you come to Paris.
I think its my current favorite.


{montparnasse tower with squinty girl}

{Michael Jackson}


{Jazz club, with Sue Goodman from my home ward in Arizona}

{getting lost waaaay too much on this thing}

{trip to versailles}
excuse the flappy boot. I hate it too.

{learning to be asian}


{cheeseburger american diner-dinner}

{7am day trip: headsets included}

{loving autumn}

{obsessing over these trees}
yes,if you look close there IS a baguette in my mouth.


{fancy photographs}

{running out of speculoos, twice..whoops}

{eiffel tower}

{more crepes. now addicted to sugar and cinnamon}

{skilled planning}

{notre dame gargoyles}

{top of notre dame de paris}

{children &bubbles}

{ :) }

{wanting a donut}
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