So I guess Paris is famous for some huge tower, it's "A" shaped and brown. You can't miss it, but sometimes you can.Justkidding
J'adore le tour eiffel, c'est tres jolie.
Thats probably the most french I've spoken since I've been here. Definitely digressing from that aspect. Which is really disappointing, but it's life; whatever.So me and my roommate finally climbed the eiffel tower probably like three-ish weeks ago? I'm not really sure, it was a while ago but I'm just now getting around to do this.. while I definitely have a million other things to be doing, like a midterm test that I've only barely started, but who cares, right? totally my attitude right now. We got our tickets. 3euro60centimes. Pas mal.

We took before and after pictures. We decided to take the stair route, because the elevator line was way sups long and that is lame, you HAVe to do the stairs, you're in freaking PARIS!

We got to the first level and I was so excited. I love the eiffel tower, my first impression of it while driving in my shuttle to our first hotel was that it looked way smaller than I had thought it to be. But once you get up close, that all changes. Its seriously massive. And changes your life.
We went to look over the middle edge to the people below, and I told my roommate that there defniteily was a chance that she would see me cry. I don't know what it is about paris but I get very emotional at amazing sites here. Even delicious crepes I want to tear up a little. [okay well that might be because I can't stop eating them and have no desire to work out and realize with every bite that I am indeed going to gain 60 pounds here.] Yes. I love crepes. So I definitely let a couple tears loose at that first glance down from the tower. It was seriously spectacular, I couldn't help it! 
The people look so tiny even just from the first level, and you feel so amazing being all the way up there. Something just hits you.
Then they have these.

We walked around the whole first floor, then found our way to the second set of stairs going to the second floor. Once again,
AMAZING. The view just got better with every step higher, and it got me every time, beautiful.

{this is my
area code back home. in case you didn't know. I'm pretty proud of the 520.}
From here, we walked all the way around again, just gaffing at the incredible views - the exact same ones we saw just one level lower, but somehow were completly different on the second floor. I took way too many pictures, just could not get enough.

You have to take the elevator from the second floor up to the top. That was fun. The elevators are window-ed and you can see the whole time as you go up. Its scary and amazing at the same time. From the third floor theres a couple of steps you can climb that take you up to the very very top. And that is where we went, and it was raining. Of course Paris.
I was prepped with a hoodie. That apparently goes cone shaped when you put the hood on.. Thanks asian family who took our picture for NOT telling me I look like a fool.

The rain was actually really cool. Kind of fun to experience it on top of the eiffel tower none the less. [I really hope that phrase makes sense in this context, I'm just trying to sound sophisticated]
Then we did the down part. Easy peasy. As you can plainly see in our faces.

At the bottom we went to take some pics in front of what we just climbed. So cool.

There was some festival thing going on across from the eiffel, at trocadero. There were a bunch of tents set up so we had to check it out, but disappointingly it turned out to just be some running thing with athletic wear for sale or advertisement, je ne sais pas. But we did get free yogurt samples. Thats all I go to those type of things for, free food.
After all that jazz, we went home and planned on making some delicious dinner together.I had pasta waiting for us in Neuilly, but we went to the monoprix for my roommate to get some vegetables for our meal.When we got home we told our lady we were making dinner and literally the first thing she asks is "well what are you doing about dessert?" -in french obvs.She loves herself some dessert. We didn't plan on that part, so she cut up some mango for us. We HAD to have something.The pasta was deliciouuus. And we had some squash, bread, and cheese with it. A good home-cooked meal made by us.
I love mango. Shout out to anna mari gee who thinks theres a hype on mango, its not as good as everyone makes it out to be? You're insane. But I love you.I ate that mango in five seconds.
Wasn't nearly a mexican mango with chilli, lime and salt on it, but close enough for france. You did good Parisian mango growing trees.
Afterwards we got in some warm pajamas, climbed in my giant comfy bed and watched baby mama on my laptop. She had never seen it, and its a classic. Love that. A good roommate bonding day. <3
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