So my mom emailed me and told me she had read ohhappyday and they got some cute macaron boxes from Pierre Hermes and Laduree, so I went to look. And hello, she does the exact same thing I do!
Minus getting entire boxes of macarons, but the part where she taste tests them in the Tuileries.. I had that exact same day last week.

We've had both Pierre Hermes and Laduree, and personally I prefer Laduree. It has a better variety of flavors, and simple delicious ones, while Pierre is more of extreme flavors, that I don't like as much. Both so good, both macarons, and both addicting and make you craaaave those cute little circles every time you see them in the window.
So me, annie, hailey, michelle and tiffany just spent the day going into little shops we've been wanting to, walking around random areas. Daryl took us on a little walk after class. He showed us a deliciouuuus cheap bakery like a block away from our institute. Hure. Love it. Then we went into a random church [love that] and then were off on our own. My favorite shop was this little camera place, obviously. It had tons of reaaally cool little cameras. Like fisheye lens ones, different colored lens ones, square ones. So cool. And I definitely want to get one some day. They have a huge collage of pictures on the wall there, and everytime we walk past there we say "I want to go in there!" so we finally did. Result! Then somehow we found ourselves at laduree. Oh, after shopping around {and by 'shopping' I mean wishing we were millionaires} the galeries lafayette and printemps we went to the tuileries gardens to enjoy our macarons. Just ignore how gross I looked this day. You still wish you were me.
Remember the hottie I spotted in the tuileries last time? The runner in white shorts? Spotted him again this day. Same shorts. Same run. Same perfect tan.
After stuffing ourselves with macarons [and at the same time wishing we had more] we walked down to the latin quarter for some dinner. more food, what a surprise. We crossed over the love lock bridge again. Love that. Couples come and put a lock on the bridge to symbolize their everlasting love. All the locks are different and we spent like 30 minutes there reading a ton of them. One was two locks locked onto each other- one said "Lauren will you marry me?" and the other said "Dearest Steven, of course!" It was way cute.

We had dinner at an Indian place, hookah included right at our table. Not really. But if you asked, they were just set on the piano right next to us. I don't think I'm a huge fan of indian, at least I've never really had it. So I just got a salad, because I don't read indian, and wasn't really in the mood for weird stuff. And my salad was sooo so good. We got presents with our meals, dot jewels for our foreheads. Cute huh?...
And michelle likes to dance.
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